Walk around any residential area, and you will probably see that almost all of the space surrounding homes and apartment buildings is grass. But is this the best use of these spaces? A compelling argument can be made that it is food that should occupy those areas.

Growing Food is Useful and Good For Michigan.

Feeding your family is an enormous benefit of home gardens. You are provided with nutritious, delicious and high-quality food while saving money that you would otherwise spend at the supermarket. We all know that local organic food is the most expensive to buy at the store.

Gardens Present Us With Quality and Quiet Family Time.

A garden presents endless possibilities for family interaction, everything from choosing what to grow, watering and tending to the plants, and harvesting can be made to be fun family activity time. Of course, eating the great food that was grown together in your yard is the ultimate benefit of a home garden.

Be Unique on Your Street.

Many people waste hours of time and lots of money just trying to compete, or at least keep up, with the appearance of their neighbor’s lawns. A garden lets you leave that race behind, as you focus instead on growing and enjoying the fruits of your garden. While everyone else is creating a sea of green, you will be the true individualist doing the more practical, healthy and profitable thing.

Gardening is Good for Our Michigan Community.

The benefits of growing food are Numerous:

  • Food is something we all desperately need; save money by growing your own.
  • Your neighbors will love the gifts of extra vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Your street will look creative and “cool”; this attracts young first-time homeowners and can increase property values.
  • Caring for a garden can involve the whole family.
  • Gardening lets you express your individuality.
  • Gardening is good for the environment.

An Efficient and Good Choice for Michigan

Chuck It Junk Removal applauds hard work, healthy eating, and family activities; this Spring, consider a plan for your yard that will contribute to the needs of your family and our Michigan community. Your health, your family, your finances, and your planet will thank you.