Attention Ann Arbor green business owners: Get your small or large eco-friendly business certified with the Institute for Green Business Certification. All you need to do is contact the IGB using the appropriate link above. A representative from the IGB will work with you to promote green business practices and get your business certified.
Benefits of Green Business Certification
As an owner of a green business, you have already made a wonderful decision to help protect the environment. You take steps to ensure that your company reduces its impact on your local community and state. However, you still have a business to run.
The IGB can help you gain the edge over similar businesses. Becoming IGB certified will reduce operational costs and enhance your image in the community. Receive free publicity from increased marketing programs and differentiate your business from competitors. Once you are certified, The Institute for Green Business will send press releases to a media list created by you, the business owner. In addition, your business will be added to over 160 green publications, blogs and Michigan EPA agencies.
Written by Brad Abbott