The City of Grand Blanc, Michigan is located in Genesee County,15 minutes southeast of Flint and approximately 45 minutes north of metro Detroit. Saginaw and Holly Roads are major thoroughfares for the area, both of which provide direct access to I-75.

Grand Blanc Junk Removal

Chuck It Junk Removal is a company dedicated to our local community, not a national chain simply out to make some quick business. We have a vested interest in Grand Blanc, Michigan and the greater Ann Arbor area. We specialize in reusing or recycling as much of the junk removed as possible. This sustainable waste management drastically reduces the amount of trash, if any, that is sent to the landfills.

We want to keep Grand Blanc clean while helping local home and business owners. Chuck It Junk Removal is ideal for trash hauling from basements, attics, garages, yards, storage spaces, warehouses, vacant apartments, dorm rooms and so much more.

Give yourself a break and call the junk removal experts today! (888) 924-8254