Chalk up another win for Ann Arbor sustainability! Through signage, composting and recycling, Michigan Stadium conquered big zero-waste goals. During the 2017 season, the University of Michigan prevented loads and loads of junk from getting to the landfill, reaching a diversion rate of 88.17 percent! Michigan Stadium’s Zero Waste Program kicks butt!
Zero Waste at Michigan Stadium
What was so different about the 2017 season?
- Most food and beverage containers were compostable.
- Recyclable and reusable options such as souvenir concession were offered in addition to recyclable water bottles and containers.
- New signage was placed on walls and on every waste bin to inform where to dispose each type of waste item.
After each home game, a cleanup crew comes in to sort the remaining waste items by compost, recycling, or landfill before it’s all hauled off to its respective centers.
University of Michigan Zero Waste Program
You can credit Michigan Stadium’s zero waste success to University of Michigan’s Zero Waste Events Program which is d
edicated to making Michigan home games zero waste events. Follow the above link to find out more information, details, and resources from Michigan Stadium’s zero waste program.
Michigan Stadium’s zero waste efforts are also reflected by The Wolverines being official members of The Green Sport Alliance, a movement to make sports more sustainable.
Ann Arbor Sustainability
As an ecologically conscious Ann Arbor company, Chuck It Junk Removal is proud of the great strides made by our city in the way of zero-waste and sustainability. It just goes to show, when you work together as a community, you win big! Let’s hear it for the home team!
Got some junk of your own to divert from the landfill? Call Chuck it!