With everybody more than compelled to stay at home in Ann Arbor and across the country, millions if not all Americans spent this Saturday spring cleaning like never before. Can you imagine the sheer amount that got done? March 21st should be the new National Spring Cleaning Holiday in the Northern Hemisphere.
Home Spring Cleaning Projects Are a Go
Spring is gradually beginning to usher in the new weather. We even had a few days where we could open windows, weather permitting us to take carpets outside for dusting, and taking clutter to the curb. But this spring cleaning was like no other spring cleaning in the past:
1. Organization: With the amount of time we’ve had inside this spring cleaning delved deeper into how we can organize our homes. Many in Ann Arbor finally got to that basement organization project, the garage cleanout, maybe even the attic!
2. Deeper Clean: All weekend indoors can give your spring cleaning thorough results! The level of attention to detail this spring cleaning saw was unlike any spring cleans in previous years found before. Tops of shelves were wiped down, high surfaces dusted, maybe even a few paint touch-ups! We hope your home is sparkling clean with this unprecedented downtime!
3. Sanitized: Spring cleaning this year went the extra mile when Dad swathed all the doorknobs and drawer handles with baby wipes and doused the entire house, sinks, and bathrooms with 91% isopropyl alcohol. Hopefully, those windows were still open at that point.
4. No Distractions. This year’s spring clean found the whole family working together since the teens had no excuses to get away from the house. Without plans to go to a movie or friend’s house, or being invited over for lunch and dinner somewhere else there was simply no escape. The entire family spent Saturday, March 21 SPRING CLEANING!
Chuck It Supports Spring Cleaning in Ann Arbor
When it’s time to clean out the garage, basement, or attic you run into a lot of things that need to get tossed. The perfect, easy accommodation for this is to have Chuck It Junk Removal deliver a driveway-friendly dumpster to conveniently haul it all away. Simply toss your junk in. Fill it up, and we take it away.